It doesn’t matter if you own a small technology firm, hair salon, cleaning service, interior decorating service, or are a freelance marketing business – professional services firms and the service industry have a lot in common with their numbers. Past the number of appointments booked, timesheet entries, the common denominator is the same, hours worked = hours billed.
Make Your Numbers as Strong as Your Team, Talent & Relationships

Because there isn’t always a price tag on a box, a sign at the counter, or a thorough project estimate and scope for every service, communicating costs in any service business can be a challenge. At EWH Small Business Accounting we work hard to be transparent in our pricing – unlike some of our competitors who simply quote you an hourly rate. We offer complimentary consultations, where you have the chance to tell us more about the financial challenges you face in your service business. We’ll review things like your cash flow, accounting, Quickbooks, and other software, and help you understand how we would provide service to your small business and the time we’ll invest – you’ll find the benefits far outweigh the costs.
Strategies for Financial Success in Service Industries
Whether you bill by the hour, the service, the appointment, or work on a commission basis, there are many financial challenges facing a service-oriented business:
And, most importantly, having the cash to make payroll and covering the high overhead of your talented team – your biggest asset doesn’t show up on the balance sheet!